Where adolescence
in dogs is seen as an
opportunity not a challenge.
I help people bond with their dog through training exercises that are fun and stimulating. Adolescence can be a tricky time where hormones are raging and selective deafness occurs. Behaviours that get practiced during the adolescent period can become engrained through the dogs life – it’s a real sensitive time of brain changes. Just like teenagers- practice makes perfect and it is a key time of a dogs life. The club helps you have an unbreakable bond with your dog and navigate this time with confidence and resilience.
What is the Ace Adolescent Club about?
For too long, there has been too much misinformation thrown around by the internet, people in the park and TV about dog’s attempting to display dominance.
The idea that running off in the park, pulling on the lead, jumping up are just part of having a dog and they’ll grow out of it or this behaviour needs to be suppressed. It’s time to stop this.
By focusing on what we would like dogs to do instead we can manage behaviour, over excitement, and make walks enjoyable again. We look at the triggers of the behaviour, the motivation and emotion behind it and provide solutions to get results and relief. Sadly, the adolescent period is a time many dogs are rehomed, not because they are naughty dogs, but there behaviour isn’t understood or channelled, in the right way. It can be hard to know what to do when there’s a plethora of info out there.. that’s why I’m here to help.
This creates an unbreakable bond between you and your dog so you can thrive in your life together whether that’s on walks, in café’s or on holiday together.
As a clinical animal behaviourist, I combine training and behavioural understanding with 7 years dog experience to bring a programme to you that you can access from home or out in the park.
How does it work?
This programme uses a methods so you get results and relief quickly without coming to classes for hours on end.
• A 30 min 1-2-1 coaching session (online)
• 30 min progress session online)
• Recordings on specific training topics relevant for you and your dog
• Personal digital workbook
• Unlimited messaging and support from Lisa during set hours
• Access to the private St Paws community group
Who does it help?
Ace adolescent club is for people who have a dog 20 weeks and older who is going through the adolescent period. At the moment a person may find that their dog is not listening to them as much as they used to and that their training seems to be a struggle
An ace in adolescence club member may recognise some of these statements:
• My dog has selective deafness
• I’m in pain and have spent money on physio
• I feel worried about my dog misbehaving when I am away on holiday
• Only the dog walker walks him – I can’t deal with it
• I am worried my dog is going to pull me over
• My dog just cannot settle, I’ve worked so hard with them and feel at a loss of what to do
• I feel scared my dog will jump at someone and hurt them so I don’t let them off
• Walks are meant to be fun – they just aren’t enjoyable anymore
• I love my dog but her behaviour is making life really tough
• I’m avoiding trips away with my dog as I know it will be a nightmare
• I’m really confused and at a loss of what to do – there are so many arm chair dog trainers around giving advice in the park
• Something needs to change
• I am fed up of standing in the park waiting for my dog to come back
• I am tired of feeling socially embarrassed and having to leave places because of my dog’s behaviour
What are the results?
Ace in adolescence encompasses a dog’s natural behaviour for their breed with training games. You can’t separate the two! A club member may find they have positive results with the following areas:
• Their dog comes back when they call them
• Their dog checks in with them
• Their dog walks politely on the lead without pulling and yanking
• They can have a coffee in a café while their dog relaxes.
• Their dog settles at home and is not on edge.
• They enjoy walks with their dog again.
• They feel confident in training.
• They understand their dogs behaviour more and are proactive than reactive
Social media is littered with advice that can be detrimental to your dogs physical and mental health - be in the know.
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