Lisa is a speaker for Inspiring girls and does talks in schools about pet care and dog safety. She is also a UN Women volunteer. She set up her first business with the help of the Princes Trust.
Here are a list of publications and podcasts she's spoken to. Lisa was also on BBC Breakfast talking about dog walking legislation.
Talking about pet technology
Lisa spoke on BBC World Service Radio about pet technology and how that may hinder or help pets. She was also on the BBC Breakfast sofa with Nina Warhurst and Roger Johnson and talking about thoughts on dog walking legislation, following the tragic death of a professional dog walker. She also spoke on BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Coventry and Warwickshire with Trish Adudu.
Lisa also interviewed by the Financial Times discussing some challenges with pet tech.
Lisa's business journey
Lisa was invited to talk to the St Albans Times about her business, read more
here, there is also an article on
Lisa spoke to Debbie at the Best Business Women Awards about her journey with the Princes Trust and her business. Listen here or watch here.
Lisa also spoke to Jasmine of With Nava about her business journey and how to start a business when you don't know where to start as well as She Can World on her business journey.
Lisa got the chance to speak to presenter Harriet Scott about her business and the support the Princes Trust gave her on Magic Radio.
Keeping pets safe
Lisa has been on local radio about a an animal rescue centre as well as about pets at Christmas and keeping them safe. She has been interviewed for podcasts too. Find out about subtle body language signs you may miss below.
Cats and Dogs
Lisa also spoke about introducing cats and dogs on Dog Cast Radio and Fur Real Conversations, with Lauren, a clinical animal behaviourist who works for the RSPCA.
Lisa spoke to BBC Radio Sheffield about dogs chasing cats. (At 1:42)
You can read more articles over on Linkedin.
Wonderful websites and books
There is lots of great advice out there.
I recommend videos by Kiko Pup.
There is also a great book called Life skills for puppies.
Total Recall by Pippa Mattison is great if you're dog does not have great recall.
The University Of Edinburgh have a great course called The Truth About Cats and Dogs.
Lili Chin's Doggie Language book and Kendal Shepherd's book Canine Commandments are also great!
Canine Arthritis Management has wonderful videos on their Facebook page.
I am an affiliate member of the Muzzle Movement because they are brilliant muzzles designed with the dog in mind. You can get 10 % off here.
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