Talks and Webinars

Lisa provides free educational talks to schools, scouts and brownie groups about how to care for animals and learn about dog body language to stay safe.

The talks  are fun and interactive!

What are the talks like?

Lisa is an educational speaker for the Blue Cross charity and does lots of talks in schools. Lisa came third in a Toastmasters funny speech competition at area level, and has been in a comedic play at the Abbey Theatre, she was judged as best actress by Bafta award winning director Mike Newell for an entry to the Abbey Theatre in 2020, so her talks are amusing, energising aswell as informative (unlike her Physics teacher's when she was at school!).

  • Lisa does a talk about dog body language to a group of brownies

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Why do I hold these sessions?

Because kindness starts from a young age and if we nurture compassion and skills now it will foster kind behaviour throughout life into other contexts too. Children are more receptive to learning at a young age and can change behaviours in their earlier years too.

Dogs are a huge part of our life and our culture and if children are supported in understanding how to approach dogs (or not) this can help to keep them safe and the dog too. Sadly many bites happen with a dog a child already knows.

  • Lisa  trains a cockapoo puppy. She is wearing a purple jumper and has curly brown hair. The cockapoo is wearing a red harness and sitting on the grass.

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Ping me an email to book a talk.

Veterinary Centres, Rescue Centres and groomers

I offer talks to help staff understand more about behaviour and how they can reduce stress in the clinic.

Topics can include:

  • In person talk with me about the intricacies of canine body language and subtle signs you might miss.

  • Fear frustration and aggression - how to tell the difference. how to handle dogs to avoid behaviour escalating videos so you can see behaviour at hand. hand out's for you to keep.

  • Guidance on low stress handling techniques

  • A certificate of completion.

  • Role play to practice different situations from dog bites, dog fights or nervousness and anxiety.

  • Lower level signs to spot (the whispers that a dog is feeling worried so you can take steps to help them feel safer and prevent reactivity from occuring being able to spot early warning signs guidance on the four f's - flirting, flight, fiddling about and fleeing play

  • Training guidance to get a dog to come when you call them for emergency situations


Get in touch to discuss requirements.

2 children sit on the sofa with a dog after their dog talk
We took our children to Lisa's workshop in the library and it was brilliant fun. The children loved it.

Marie McGuire

John Doe's Image
Lisa is so knowledgeable and we are so greatful to learn from her.

Jackie De Friez, National Animal Welfare Trust

John Doe's Image
Thanks so much for coming, we really loved having you and learnt so much too!

Hitchin Veterinary Surgery

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Heathlands School for Deaf Children

Lisa smiles at the camera. She is doing an assembly about dog safety.
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