You have a new puppy. How exciting. Lets get things off on the right paw!
As well my in-person puppy classes and one to one training i also
provide support to dog carers throughout the UK via this virtual online platform.
It's got everything you need to raise a polite puppy!
It's full of courses and live sessions with me. For some dogs (and people) having an extra person there can be distracting..this club eliminates that. Plus you can access the content any time you like.
Overview of the Polite Pup Club
I help people bond with their dog through training exercises and protocols that are simple to follow. They may feel scared of noises and you want to help build their confidence and resilience. The critical socialisation period is 3-12 weeks – this time is formative. The club helps you have an unbreakable bond with your dog and navigate this time with confidence and resilience.
What is the Polite Pup Club about?
For too long, there has been too much misinformation thrown around by the internet, people in the park and TV about dog’s attempting to display dominance. People are told to let their puppy cry it out, and being exhausted from lack of sleep, people turn to this method because they don’t know what else to do. They feel worried they may be rewarding behaviour, without being armed with understanding that the emotion may be fear and stress.
Socialisation is a buzz word that’s been thrown around and you may feel confused about how to socialise your dog. There are free for all’s where dogs are allowed to run around, with different sizes and play styles.. leaving some dogs with emotional and even in some cases, physical scars.
By focusing on the step by step guide on how to raise a well behaved resilient puppy, you will have a happy dog for years to come. In the Polite Pup Club we look at what we would like dogs to do instead we can manage behaviour, over excitement, and make having a puppy a really special time again. We look at the triggers of the behaviour, the motivation and emotion behind it and provide solutions to get results and relief. It can be hard to know what to do when there’s a plethora of info out there.. that’s why I’m here to help.
This creates an unbreakable bond between you and your dog so you can thrive in your life together whether that’s on walks, in café’s or on holiday together.
As a clinical animal behaviourist, who studied with the University of Edinburgh Royal (Dick) School of Vet studies, I combine training and behavioural understanding with 8 years of dog experience to bring a programme to you that you can access from home or out in the park.
How we work together
This programme uses a 3 stage method so you get results and relief quickly without coming to classes for hours on end.
Each of the 3 stages lasts for 3 weeks and includes:
• A 30 min 1-2-1 coaching session
• 30 min progress session
• Recordings on specific training topics relevant for you and your dog
• Personal digital workbook
• Unlimited messaging and support from Lisa during set hours. If you cannot make the time I will reply during a set period.
• Access to the private St Paws community group
Who does it help?
The Polite Pup Club is for people who have, or are planning to have a new puppy under 20 weeks old (The Ace Adolescent Club is for older pups) and older who is going through the adolescent period.
A Polite Pup Club member may recognise some of these statements:
• My dog is crying at night and I have no idea what to do to help them
• My puppy hates their crate
• My puppy is going to the bathroom inside despite me bringing them outside
• My puppy won’t leave my older dog alone
• Nipping behaviours are painful and unpleasant
• I don’t know what my puppy wants and he keeps chasing my cat
• I don’t want to do one thing and create a new problem. I feel overwhelmed
• My puppy is hurting themselves on walks by pulling
• I can’t tell if my puppy’s play style is safe
• I can’t cope with this lack of sleep and it is affecting my relationship
• My puppy wants constant attention by have to work
• I don’t know how to read my puppy’s body language
• I’m scared my puppy will develop separation problems
• My puppy is not interested in these toys
• They bite on their harness and lead
• My puppy is picking up everything and anything on walks and I’m scared they will eat something poisonous
• I want to get things right with my new puppy.
• I’m worried about having a reactive dog.
• I love my dog but her behaviour is making life really tough
• I’m avoiding trips away with my puppy
• I’m really confused and at a loss of what to do – there are so many arm chair dog trainers around giving advice in the park
• Something needs to change but I don't know where to start
What are the results?
The Polite pup Club encompasses a puppy’s natural age of development and their breed with training socialisation and habituation. You can’t separate these three things. A polite pup club member may find they have positive results with the following areas:
• Their puppy is not chewing, nipping and shredding or scratching the sofa.
• Their puppy is comfortable sleeping at night and they are getting sleep too.
• Their puppy is not grabbing clothes and trousers
• They are not feeling worried when leaving their puppy
• Their dog walks politely on the lead without pulling and yanking towards rubbish.
• They can have a coffee in a café while their dog settles.
• Their puppy settles while they are workin
• Walks are fun and enjoyable
• They feel confident in training their new puppy.
• They understand their puppies behaviour more and can meet their needs
£25 per month
2 months free if you sign up for 12 months!
+44 (0) 1727537289
The Terms and Conditions related to booking
are here.
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